Juvenate ReSculpt Body Treatment


Body Firming

10 In Stock

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Resculpt Cosmedical Body Treatment Juvenate’s cosmedical-grade body treatment visibly brings life back into your skin.  The synergy of our unique actives cleverly combine to tighten skin, reduce celluliteand re-shape body contours. Lavishly textured this intense moisturiser replenisheslipid layers giving elasticity and vitality back to dry & crepey skins.  Options: 75mL Retail,...

Resculpt Cosmedical Body Treatment

Juvenate’s cosmedical-grade body treatment visibly brings life back into your skin.  
The synergy of our unique actives cleverly combine to tighten skin, reduce cellulite
and re-shape body contours. Lavishly textured this intense moisturiser replenishes
lipid layers giving elasticity and vitality back to dry & crepey skins. 

Options: 75mL Retail, 200mL Retail and 500ml Professional Size